Monday, 6 January 2014

Walking in my village on a hot and mellow Canterbury day I sat for a moment ..and wrote. I think it came from listening to friends going through "stuff". Although it is, of course, understandable, it can become so consuming that it dominates the lives and loves of those around them.
 Sitting in a Graveyard

It makes one think -
Sitting in a graveyard -
of all the small and niggley
things which clog the mind

It brings you back to basics -
to reality, mortality
(or whatever you want to call it)

Anyway -
as I said -
It makes one think -

It brings to mind
Those wasted hours
Worrying and wondering -
Has the cat enough to eat?
Was that card I bought suitable for a picky friend?
Did that character on the TV soap -
Really have an affair with the judge?
Sleepless nights spent
Wishing I had helped more -
Or less
Said more -
or less
It might have changed the world
Or at least
my world (or their's) - or not!

All these thoughts do I have
Sitting in the sunshine
In the graveyard
Instead of contemplating

- How the light falls
on that rock
How a bumble bee can fly
(Especially laden
with a bumper crop of pollen)

How my house is tucked
Safe behind those trees
and only I know where to look -

So I will

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